Rebuild your NeuroDivergent relationship.
Discover the path to sanity, serenity and productivity in your ASD/NT relationship.
If you are in a dysfunctional ASD/NT (NeuroDivergent) relationship and want to improve your communication and save your sanity, I'm offering you something that will help…
Let me explain…
I am NeuroTypical and have spent a lifetime living with ASDs, or NeuroDiverse people…
My mother, my spouse, and my daughter.
As a psychologist, when I couldn't figure out how to help my family, I felt like a failure.
I read books, sought out therapists (great therapists, but ones who didn’t fully understand how to help clients with this specific issue), and attended conferences searching for answers and a healthy, healing path. Nothing worked…and all the while, the chaos and suffering in my family escalated. I was engulfed by health complaints, financial problems, and legal matters….
Then I began to look at all these profoundly stressful challenges in a new way.
I discovered my own path to sanity, serenity, and productivity --- while still mired in NeuroDivergent relationships.
How to change the way you communicate to achieve greater harmony.
How to avoid verbal abuse, micro hits, and gaslighting.
How to cope with meltdowns.
How to survive burnout.
How to apply simple steps on this path to a more fulfilling life.
(NeuroTypical)- “I just want my partner to listen/connect to me!”
(NeuroDiverse)- “I just want my partner to be nice to me.”
This course could be your best opportunity to discover a better way to communicate.
Meet Dr. Kathy Marshack
Your guide on this journey.
This course is step-by-step. You’ll be able to learn on your own schedule and at your own pace that is just right for you.
You'll learn a new way of communicating – you will leave able to use the groundbreaking technology that has helped so many others.
If you’ve ever wondered, “How do I get him/her/them to listen to me?”
Or thought, “I’ve tried being kind!” … only to learn that kindness is a partial solution at best (works with you, not with him/her/them).
You might be clinging to techniques that don’t work…..
My techniques help stimulate communication breakthroughs for many.
Like them, you’ll be able to cover new ground with your partner using tools most people don't know about.
Expanding my knowledge and skill base made me sought after by clients from around the world, who seek my fresh approach to these very tough relationships.
I’ve lectured, written 5 books, led online groups, and worked with hundreds of individuals and couples in my private practice.
Now, I have distilled the essence of my proven process into a short, informative, and sometimes even entertaining course. This is as close as it gets to sitting in my office and having a 1 on 1 conversation.
In this course, I share the insights, tips, and tools that have helped so many who are wrestling with the complexities of NeuroDivergent relationships.
I have learned that not everybody has the time to read a book, attend a workshop, or stop by my office and obtain the wealth of knowledge, experience, and practical advice that has enabled me to help so many others change their lives in a positive way.
That’s why I decided to sit down and video-record everything I know for this course.
I am making this available first to people who have purchased my books, attended my live and virtual events, and are subscribers to my newsletter.
This is the clearest, most up-to-date, and easy-to-grasp version of what has helped so many return to a stronger, healthier, more sane life.
This course is the most private and confidential way to take that first step and begin the healing process… no meetings to attend, no webinars to go to, no names on a public list…
“So crazy! This explains a lot [regarding one of Dr. Marshack’s blogs]. . . I believe I’m on the high functioning end of aspergers. Only a few people close to me agree/ most people don’t see how I really am. . . There’s not a ton of info regarding high functioning neuro diverse areas people & I went to a therapist to have her see if I was on the spectrum & I’m so good at appearing neuro typical in short spurts & certain situations/ she dismissed me & said I just have anxiety & depression. . . When I first read about aspergers a few years ago- it felt like things about me finally made sense & I didn’t feel so bad about myself. Just would be nice to have an expert tell me I am neuro diverse. . .Thank you for this article.”
“More than you know. Just in time. I can’t afford counseling, because of a spectrum marriage and the infinite problems it causes, financial and otherwise. . . . I’m looking forward to this course. Again thank you.”
“I'm loving this already Thank you Dr. Kathy for taking the time to put this together as I have no doubt it will benefit thousands of struggling AS/NT couples. Thank you.”
“You've really defined the situation I have with my husband of 30 years. This statement said it all: "NTs are interactional, meaning that their communication style is to connect with the other person, person to person — before they discuss a topic. While Autists are transactional, meaning that they listen for the words or topic first, not necessarily to the context of the person who is speaking.”
“Your videos were sent to me by a friend on Monday and I’ve already now found language for what I’ve been struggling to describe. Thank you!!!!”
“I cannot over-emphasize what a life saver discovering Kathy has been. Reading one of her blogs for the first time was literally a jaw-dropping event for me when my painful, lonely life within a busy family made sense for the first time.”
“My copy of your Parenting book is riddled with highlighted sections which completely mirror my life. ”
“When my adult aspie son, or whatever the "correct" term is, bought me your book numerous years back, I was just, YES! I knew it was many times the "professionals" or others in my life, that didn't get it!”
“Course is excellent!! My AS asks to listen to the next module where we left off! I don’t have to remind him!! He seems to like it and find it helpful!!”
“Initially went through the course rather quickly. I was eating it up and thrilled to be learning and understanding and making sense of my life. I loved it and was sad when I finished. . . I'm excited now that my husband has agreed to watch the videos together. . . I am grateful to have found you and this is a great starting point for both of us to start to understand and hopefully improve.”
For $199 you get instant access to the course, the community, and complimentary monthly webinars on different topics related to NeuroDivergent relationships.
You found this course because everything else you've tried hasn't worked. While all of those other resources are valuable, they offer nothing like the cutting edge tools created by Dr. Marshack.
Not only do you get to learn from Dr. Marshack's extensive experience, but there are many other resources to help you along your healing journey.
Each week you can join others in live video conferences on topics that are right on point for the lives we live.
Furthermore, each conference is paired with online discussions with other members.
This means whether you attend live, or listen to recordings, or you chat with other members, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.
Are you NeuroTypical in a relationship with an adult on the Autism Spectrum? Your partner, spouse, parent, sibling --- then this is the group for you.
Yes. If you have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or you suspect that you are Autistic, this is the right group for you.
You can attend solo or with your NeuroTypical partner.
Think about the incredible benefits of meeting with a group of NeuroDiverse and NeuroTypical folks who want the same thing you do --- to learn to cross the NeuroDivergent divide.
Respect for each other and privacy is a requirement for a group such as ours, so that you can feel safe. Safety is prerequiste for healing.
Right from the start, I want you to know:
- You are not alone.
- Your voice matters.
- I am here to help you --- through my books, my online courses, and my international online communities.
I am Dr. Kathy Marshack, psychologist and author. As a professional I specialize in helping my clients who are in Complex Relationships that are tough to treat with conventional psychotherapy. The short list (but not all inclusive) of couples and families in Complex Relationships include:
- “Asperger Syndrome” or High Functioning Autism
- Codependency
- High Conflict Divorce
- Empathy Dysfunction
- Entrepreneurial Couples
My credentials go back decades including a Master’s Degree in Social Work, and a Doctorate in Psychology. I’ve worked in every conceivable professional setting from child protective services, home health agencies, public schools, colleges, hospitals, and mental health clinics. I’ve covered lots of territory in those years, as you can imagine; everything from working with young children, teens, couples, families, seniors, and entrepreneurs; and with every conceivable diagnosis.
I’ve trained with the best too. My favored clinical skills include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericksonian Hypnosis, and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). I find these techniques incredibly powerful in creating elegant and long-lasting healing and change.
But as valuable as my education, training and experience is, I also know that each one of you is as unique and special as your fingerprints. Did you know that no one on the planet shares your fingerprints? That’s right.
What this means is that there is no “one size fits all.” That’s why I have designed my courses and communities with differing levels of service depending on your needs: teleconferences, small intimate video conferences, community forums, and one-on-one video conferences with me if you like.
You may already know that I am the author of several books, which are available in paperback, Kindle and Audio formats, and are meant to help you with your NeuroDivergent relationships. If you’re struggling with the complexities of a NeuroDivergent relationship, my books can offer you ground-breaking tools, personal anecdotes, and survival guides to help you reclaim your sanity and happiness.
"Going Over the Edge? --- Life with a Partner or Spouse with 'Asperger Syndrome' (ASD)" Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Relationship, the 15th Anniversary Edition (2024).
"Empathy is More Than Words: Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships," This book introduces the Empathy Triad, the 7-Step Interface Protocol, and the Map of Empathy Territory (2022).
"When Empathy Fails: How to stop those hell-bent on destroying you" Life Lessons on Empathy Dysfunction (EmD) (2018).
“Out of Mind-Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome (ASD).” Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Family (2013).
“Asperger Syndrome & Relationships: Everything You Need to Survive a NeuroDivergent Life” (an eBook).
There is one more thing I want you to know about me. I can relate personally to every single one of the Complex Relationship bullet points listed above. I was raised by a High Functioning Autistic mother, and an alcoholic father. My eldest daughter is on the Autism Spectrum. I’ve been an entrepreneur for many, many years, and raised my children in this environment. I too went through a hostile divorce, including parental alienation.
Just like you, I went through a lot of suffering before it occurred to me to take another approach. I learned to build resilience. I learned to use what I know as a psychologist to reshape the outcome. I counted on the principle that Michelle Obama champions, “When they go low, we go high.” This doesn’t mean that you don’t get hurt, or angry during all of those trying times. What it means is that when you’re up against the harshness of a Complex Relationship, “your response has to reflect the solution,” according to our former First Lady.
I call this response, Radiant Empathy) something I describe in detail in my book “Empathy is More Than Words.” Life isn’t perfect, and you will keep making mistakes. But with Radiant Empathy you will learn to use your mistakes as feedback to refashion your life for greater healing, love and happiness.
Learn more about Dr. Marshack's articles, online courses, and consultation by visiting