Autism, "Asperger Syndrome": Connecting in Relationships
If you are a NeuroTypical Adult (NT) with a spouse, partner, sibling, parent or grown child who has Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD) this is the group for you.
You will soon learn that you are not alone. We have members all over the world who meet online, in international teleconferences and small group videoconferences.
Our meetings are far more than supportive discussions though. Dr. Kathy shares lots of information and insights into the workings of NeuroTypical/ASD relationships, or what she calls NeuroDivergent Relationships.
Through Dr. Kathy's teleconferences, video conferences, blogs and newsletters, you will get the latest tips and tools to help you rise above those confusing moments that so often cause chaos in a NeuroDivergent relationship.
Even better, all live events are recorded so that if you aren't able to join a live teleconference or videoconference, you can listen to a library of past conference recordings.
If you need daily support you can join one of many private, online discussions in our forum. You are safe here. Only members can access the discussions.
You can ask questions and share stories of your day. Not everyone agrees on everything, but our diversity is what creates an opportunity to grow and change and take back your life from these very tough ASD/NT relationships.
We have grown to have members all over the world, on every continent. Whatever the language or the culture, we can all relate to the common theme of life with an adult with "Asperger Syndrome."
This forum is a comprehensive information and support central. Everthing you need to take on your NeuroDivergent life, is in one place.
Are you ready to change? Are you ready to take back your life? Are you ready to join others who understand and can help?
Right from the start, I want you to know:
- You are not alone.
- Your voice matters.
- I am here to help you --- through my books, my online courses, and my international online communities.
I am Dr. Kathy Marshack, psychologist and author. As a professional I specialize in helping my clients who are in Complex Relationships that are tough to treat with conventional psychotherapy. The short list (but not all inclusive) of couples and families in Complex Relationships include:
- “Asperger Syndrome” or High Functioning Autism
- Codependency
- High Conflict Divorce
- Empathy Dysfunction
- Entrepreneurial Couples
My credentials go back decades including a Master’s Degree in Social Work, and a Doctorate in Psychology. I’ve worked in every conceivable professional setting from child protective services, home health agencies, public schools, colleges, hospitals, and mental health clinics. I’ve covered lots of territory in those years, as you can imagine; everything from working with young children, teens, couples, families, seniors, and entrepreneurs; and with every conceivable diagnosis.
I’ve trained with the best too. My favored clinical skills include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericksonian Hypnosis, and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). I find these techniques incredibly powerful in creating elegant and long-lasting healing and change.
But as valuable as my education, training and experience is, I also know that each one of you is as unique and special as your fingerprints. Did you know that no one on the planet shares your fingerprints? That’s right.
What this means is that there is no “one size fits all.” That’s why I have designed my courses and communities with differing levels of service depending on your needs: teleconferences, small intimate video conferences, community forums, and one-on-one video conferences with me if you like.
You may already know that I am the author of several books, which are available in paperback, Kindle and Audio formats, and are meant to help you with your NeuroDivergent relationships. If you’re struggling with the complexities of a NeuroDivergent relationship, my books can offer you ground-breaking tools, personal anecdotes, and survival guides to help you reclaim your sanity and happiness.
"Going Over the Edge? --- Life with a Partner or Spouse with 'Asperger Syndrome' (ASD)" Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Relationship, the 15th Anniversary Edition (2024).
"Empathy is More Than Words: Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships," This book introduces the Empathy Triad, the 7-Step Interface Protocol, and the Map of Empathy Territory (2022).
"When Empathy Fails: How to stop those hell-bent on destroying you" Life Lessons on Empathy Dysfunction (EmD) (2018).
“Out of Mind-Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome (ASD).” Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Family (2013).
“Asperger Syndrome & Relationships: Everything You Need to Survive a NeuroDivergent Life” (an eBook).
There is one more thing I want you to know about me. I can relate personally to every single one of the Complex Relationship bullet points listed above. I was raised by a High Functioning Autistic mother, and an alcoholic father. My eldest daughter is on the Autism Spectrum. I’ve been an entrepreneur for many, many years, and raised my children in this environment. I too went through a hostile divorce, including parental alienation.
Just like you, I went through a lot of suffering before it occurred to me to take another approach. I learned to build resilience. I learned to use what I know as a psychologist to reshape the outcome. I counted on the principle that Michelle Obama champions, “When they go low, we go high.” This doesn’t mean that you don’t get hurt, or angry during all of those trying times. What it means is that when you’re up against the harshness of a Complex Relationship, “your response has to reflect the solution,” according to our former First Lady.
I call this response, Radiant Empathy) something I describe in detail in my book “Empathy is More Than Words.” Life isn’t perfect, and you will keep making mistakes. But with Radiant Empathy you will learn to use your mistakes as feedback to refashion your life for greater healing, love and happiness.
Learn more about Dr. Marshack's articles, online courses, and consultation by visiting
Right from the start, I want you to know:
- You are not alone.
- Your voice matters.
- I am here to help you --- through my books, my online courses, and my international online communities.
I am Dr. Kathy Marshack, psychologist and author. As a professional I specialize in helping my clients who are in Complex Relationships that are tough to treat with conventional psychotherapy. The short list (but not all inclusive) of couples and families in Complex Relationships include:
- “Asperger Syndrome” or High Functioning Autism
- Codependency
- High Conflict Divorce
- Empathy Dysfunction
- Entrepreneurial Couples
My credentials go back decades including a Master’s Degree in Social Work, and a Doctorate in Psychology. I’ve worked in every conceivable professional setting from child protective services, home health agencies, public schools, colleges, hospitals, and mental health clinics. I’ve covered lots of territory in those years, as you can imagine; everything from working with young children, teens, couples, families, seniors, and entrepreneurs; and with every conceivable diagnosis.
I’ve trained with the best too. My favored clinical skills include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericksonian Hypnosis, and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). I find these techniques incredibly powerful in creating elegant and long-lasting healing and change.
But as valuable as my education, training and experience is, I also know that each one of you is as unique and special as your fingerprints. Did you know that no one on the planet shares your fingerprints? That’s right.
What this means is that there is no “one size fits all.” That’s why I have designed my courses and communities with differing levels of service depending on your needs: teleconferences, small intimate video conferences, community forums, and one-on-one video conferences with me if you like.
You may already know that I am the author of several books, which are available in paperback, Kindle and Audio formats, and are meant to help you with your NeuroDivergent relationships. If you’re struggling with the complexities of a NeuroDivergent relationship, my books can offer you ground-breaking tools, personal anecdotes, and survival guides to help you reclaim your sanity and happiness.
"Going Over the Edge? --- Life with a Partner or Spouse with 'Asperger Syndrome' (ASD)" Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Relationship, the 15th Anniversary Edition (2024).
"Empathy is More Than Words: Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships," This book introduces the Empathy Triad, the 7-Step Interface Protocol, and the Map of Empathy Territory (2022).
"When Empathy Fails: How to stop those hell-bent on destroying you" Life Lessons on Empathy Dysfunction (EmD) (2018).
“Out of Mind-Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome (ASD).” Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Family (2013).
“Asperger Syndrome & Relationships: Everything You Need to Survive a NeuroDivergent Life” (an eBook).
There is one more thing I want you to know about me. I can relate personally to every single one of the Complex Relationship bullet points listed above. I was raised by a High Functioning Autistic mother, and an alcoholic father. My eldest daughter is on the Autism Spectrum. I’ve been an entrepreneur for many, many years, and raised my children in this environment. I too went through a hostile divorce, including parental alienation.
Just like you, I went through a lot of suffering before it occurred to me to take another approach. I learned to build resilience. I learned to use what I know as a psychologist to reshape the outcome. I counted on the principle that Michelle Obama champions, “When they go low, we go high.” This doesn’t mean that you don’t get hurt, or angry during all of those trying times. What it means is that when you’re up against the harshness of a Complex Relationship, “your response has to reflect the solution,” according to our former First Lady.
I call this response, Radiant Empathy) something I describe in detail in my book “Empathy is More Than Words.” Life isn’t perfect, and you will keep making mistakes. But with Radiant Empathy you will learn to use your mistakes as feedback to refashion your life for greater healing, love and happiness.
Learn more about Dr. Marshack's articles, online courses, and consultation by visiting
$99 annually for unlimited access
You found the Meetup group when you began your search and it is a great place to start. But now you are ready for a more in depth experience.
In this forum you have access to a huge library of previously recorded conferences with Dr. Kathy.
Plus each week you can join others in live video conferences on topics that are right on point for the lives we live.
Furthermore, each conference is paired with online discussions with other members.
This means whether you attend live, or listen to recordings, or you chat with other members, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.
Are you NeuroTypical in a relationship with an adult on the Autism Spectrum? Your partner, spouse, parent, sibling --- then this is the group for you.
If you have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or you suspect that you are Autistic, this is not quite the right group for you. However, you will find a supportive community in my online course and community here:
Respect for each other and privacy is a requirement for a group such as ours, so that you can feel safe. Safety is prerequiste for healing.
“I feel a deep connection to the themes of this post. I was normalized to autistic behaviors as a child. . . I am 61 now and it is nearly 11 years after the start of my journey of understanding, gained by reading material on your website as recommended by a friend, then followed up by library book reading that validated my experience over and over. . . . I thank you for your courage & your love, & that you have shared your understandings freely on the web to help those like me who are distant from professional assistance to break the cycle and take up a new lease of life ♥️”
“Thank you Dr. Kathy and everyone for a heartfelt conversation and right before the holidays! As always, today I heard what I needed to hear. I often listen to previous teleconferences, and although I chose to end our 20-year marriage a few years ago, I relate with everyone in all the various stages even the ones I won’t go through - probably because the essence of this life is so darn atypically typical! Sometimes I forget the daily frustrations, but even with distance it lives on within NT me, ASD him, and our children. I realize that I’ve changed and there’s really no going back. What I heard today is that it’s okay.”
“Thank you again for another hour of connection with women who truly understand the journey. I am encouraged by the sisterhood of similarity. Today's questions and sharing from other women had me nodding in agreement once again. Lies of omission and how much stress this type of lie creates when a simple truthful answer would have been the best option. I continue to learn so much from you, Dr. Kathy. Your insights and compassion are so essential. Thank you!”
“I have been meaning for years it seems to reply and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your phenomenal efforts, for surviving so well and taking on the enormous task to help others. . . Cheers and much love for your contribution to a happier world wide community.”